Dye penetrant inspection service available across the UK
This is one of our simplest methods of inspection and yet it's also one of our most effective approaches when it comes to non-destructive testing. For reliable results and a professional service with a friendly engineer you can count on, get in touch with Inspection Ecosse Ltd in Falkirk today. We operate across Scotland and the UK.

Dye penetrant inspection from Inspection Ecosse Ltd in Scotland
The application of penetrating dye is applied to the desired surface area of the inspected structure. We then remove the dye from the surface area, with any subsequent staining being evidence of irregularities in the material tested.
Mostly used to locate surface defects, this means of NDT - due to the reliability of results and its effectiveness as a means of quality control - ensure that any signs that components should be repaired or replaced are picked up and recorded.

Based in Falkirk, Scotland, our professional and experienced engineers at Inspection Ecosse are available nationally and internationally as required.